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Thursday, December 08, 2005


Drama at Every Church

Drama ministries are taking off across the country. Mega-churches like Willow Creek and Saddleback use drama to appeal to baby-boomers with a seeker oriented "come to church" message. At the same time, emergent and post-modern churches like Cedar Ridge Community Church use drama to appeal to Gen X-ers. Both groups are bringing new life to biblical narratives that have been bogged down in church traditions.

I read exciting things online about what other churches are doing. I see exciting books about how to start drama ministries. I see a huge archive of scripts online—priced beyond my church's limited budget.

You see, I don't go to a fancy mega-church. And my church certainly doesn't plan on emerging from our small town just north of San Antonio, Texas.

HillCountryWriter Category: Drama
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