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Friday, June 30, 2006


Hey, Wanna See My Cathedral?

Over at his blog, my friend Dan is saying some powerfully challenging stuff about integrating faith and work.

Dan writes, "Scott is a senior vice president in a large corporation. The demands of his job often require him to work late, travel, and carry the weight of decisions that may affect thousands of lives. . . .

"Sometimes, when Scott attends church, all he hears is that the church wants more. It wants more of his money, more of his time, more of whatever he has. But the church does little to help Scott serve God in his daily struggles, and Scott is becoming bitter."

I was thinking about how to respond to Dan when I found this picture.
How do you build a cathedral?
You plant an oak grove
and in a hundred years
you have enough wood
to build your cathedral.
But for a hundred years
people are saying
that your grove
is not really a cathedral.
And that's ok.
I decided that's where people like Scott are. Out in the workplace planting trees and sowing seeds that don't look much like a house for God.

As for the poem, I could do without the last line. It seems like false reassurance to me. I mean, if everyone around me doubts the value of my work, man, that is not okay. That stinks. I'll get me some new people to hand around who can see my cathedral.

HillCountryWriter Category: High Calling Thoughts
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